Jul 21, 2011Hi. I have working code using the shell execute command to open or print a pdf. When I run the testPrint subroutine, the document prints. Nov 13, 2012Hi Gurus With reference to so many threads (thread, thread and thread to name but a few) I needed to print a PDF from VFP6 an ShellExecute (0, Printto, C before ShellExecute() executes there is a PDF file named FullReport. pdf in the output folder: (and t indicates silent print. Prints the file There are certainly instances where ShellExecute does not use one of these types of Shell extension and those. Printing a DocumentFile using VBA. I notice that you have a space before the word Print, so ShellExecute is trying to execute the AutoPrint pdf file. [Archive Print a PDF file to specific printers General Jun 30, 2005Hello, I'm trying to print 1 or more pdf files from within Access 2000 vba. Users will have Acrobat Reader installed. I've found that the following command line works. I'm trying to export a sheet Sheet1 as a PDF file and print it then close adobe reader using a code. This is the code I'm using: Code: Private Declare Jan 10, 2014Hi Experts, I'm using this VBA code and I'm trying to open a pdf file from MS Access 2007 form. Private Declare Function ShellExecute Lib shell32. Oct 26, 2014I spent hours searching for a way to print pdf's without opening Acrobat and finally got it working using ShellExecute. I figured I would share Imports System. Feb 07, 2017I'm trying to make a code in VBA that can print a specific PDF Next Dim X As Long X Print Print a PDF file using VBA I'm trying to export a sheet Sheet1 as a PDF file and print it then close adobe reader using a code. This is the code I'm using: Private Declare Function ShellExecute. This article describes how you can use the Windows SDK function ShellExecute from inside VBA to execute any program or short cut (. PDF printing inexplicably fails after working for a long time I need to print a pdf file from vba. I also need to set the print settings to 11x17. I wanted to see if I could get the file to print using the code b How to print specific pages of a PDF file using VBA and Acrobat. As Long then use ShellExecute 0, print, sFile. Apr 21, 2009I constantly receive emails with. pdf files that I have to print. I'm trying to get vba to do it for Solved: How to auto print. Sep 14, 2009Experts Exchange Questions ShellExecute print (PDF file) lRet ShellExecute(0, print \UK\Merge\FI8263. pdf to execute the command line in vba. I want to print a PDF from Delphi directly (Version 6. 0, I know it's old stuff, but they use it here). So far I used the following command: printCommand: 'print. I have problem printing PDF or even opening Acrobat reader files from VFP. Call Windows to print file DECLARE INTEGER ShellExecute IN shell32. dll;