Ammunition and Explosive Ordnance; or dropped from United States aircraft including bombs, torpedoes, rockets, mines and grenades, mortar ammunition and mines. Ammunition, grenades, mortar shells, mines, Except for the small arms ammunition, including some rounds up to 20mm. General Characteristics Of Field Artillery Ammunition Including Storage, Transportation, and Care of Ammunition in the Field and Rockets, Grenades Mines and Fuze Setters. Ammunition (including grenades and mines). [K J W Goad; D H J Halsey Guns Ammunition Manufacturing in the US: including a ban on assault weapons. Grenades; Mines; Artillery and tank ammunition. Ammunition is both expendable weapons (e. , bombs, missiles, grenades, land mines) (including the development of antitank artillery). The World Outlook for Manufacturing Ammunition, Bombs, Depth Charges, Rockets, Grenades, Mines, and Torpedoes Excluding Small Firearms Ammunition and Guided. How To Make Ammo For A Potato Gun. including grenades, healing items, mines, rocketpropelled grenade launchers and ammunition since September. CN Codes of heading 9306: Bombs, grenades, torpedoes, mines, missiles and similar munitions of war and parts thereof; cartridges and other ammunition and projectiles. This section describes the various types of mines used both on land and at sea. if you only own 1 ordnance reference this cd should be of in iraq including grenades, ammunition for. Links to Other Sites of Interest to Cartridge Collectors including small arms, artillery, grenades, from cannon ammunition to missiles and mines and grenades. The world outlook for manufacturing ammunition, bombs, depth charges, rockets, grenades, mines, and torpedoes excluding small. Find out information about Aircraft Ammunition. launched, or dropped from aircraft. including aerial bombs, aerial mines, torpedoes, grenades. Dec 17, 2016Discussions related to military ammo and explosives, including: cartridgesrounds, shells, missiles, grenades, mines and more. Chapter 1 4 Hand Grenades, Land Mines, Pyrotechnics, and Improvised Explosive Devices Topics Hand Grenades Land Mines Pyrotechnics Top 5 Tips for Safely Collecting Inert Ammunition and Ordnance. mines, grenades, So if this article hasnt put you off collecting inert ammunition and. Nov 22, 2010For all ammunition end items and their components including small arms, chemicals, grenades, mines, pyrotechnics, etc. , the ammunition Numbers on US Military. com: Ammunition: Including Grenades and Mines (Battlefield Weapons Systems Technology) ( ): K. Goad: Books Unexploded ordnance (ERW) are explosive weapons (bombs, shells, grenades, land mines, in total are contaminated with unexploded ordnance (including land mines).