This Act may be called the Indian Forest Act, 1927. 1[(2) It extends to the whole of India except the territories which, immediately before the 1st November, 1956. GOVERNMENT OF MAHARASHTRA LAW AND JUDICIARY DEPARTMENT Act No. of 1927 The Indian Forest Act, 1927 (Ili its application to the State of Maharashtra) Created Date: 6: 22: 38 AM Latur District A A A Advocates Welfare Fund Act 2001 MARATHI; 3 ALL INDIA SERVICES Conduct Rules INDIAN EVIDENCE ACT 1872 ENGLISH; 90 INDIAN FOREST ACT, 1927 The Indian Evidence Act, originally passed in India by the Imperial Legislative Council in 1872, during the British Raj, contains a set of rules and allied issues. 1 Short title and commencement. THE INDIAN FOREST (AMENDMENT) BILL, 2012 A BILL further to amend the Indian Forest Act, 1927. BE it enacted by Parliament in the Sixty. overnment of india minis'try of law the indian forest act, 1927 (act xvi op 1927) (as modified upto the 15th june. 1951) THE INDIAN FOREST ACT, 1927 CONTENTS ARRANGEMENT OF SECTIONS CHAPTER I PRELIMINARY 1. Interpretation clause CHAPTER II OF RESERVED FORESTS INDIAN FOREST ACT, 1927 Analysis Legal tips for implementation Enacted on 21st September, 1927 The Indian Forest Act, 1927 Preamble (aims and objective) THE INDIAN FOREST ACT, 1927 CONTENTS CHAPTER I Preliminary 1. Interpretation clause CHAPTER II Of Reserved Forests 3. Power to reserve forests The Gazette of India 3itllIi(UI EXTRAORDINARY 1927 The Translation in Marathi of (1) The Right to Information (Central Laws) Act, 1973 (50 of1973). () The Indian Forest Act, 1927 was largely based on previous Indian Forest Acts implemented under the British. The most famous one was the Indian Forest Act of 1878. 31 October 2013 1 Introduction to INDIAN FOREST ACT, 1927 INDIAN FOREST(Conservation) ACT, 1980 WILDLIFE PROTECTION ACT, 1972, FARIDA TAMPAL To find more books about indian forest act 1927 hindi pdf, Sex, Marathi Sexstory Forest, Forest Act 1927 Hindi(Pdf) Indian Forest Act 1927 In Hindi. GOVERNMENT OF MAHARASHTRA LAW AND JUDICIARY DEPARTMENT Act No. XVI of 1927 The Indian Forest Act, 1927 (In its application to the State of Maharashtra) Section 26 in The Indian Forest Act, 1927. sets fire to a reserved forest, or, in contravention of any rules made by the 1[State Government. The Indian Forest Act, 1927 was enacted after repealing the Indian Forest Act, Click here to download Indian Forest Act, 1927 in. To find more books about indian forest act 1927 MaratHI Sex Storis Forest, Marathi Indian Forest Act 1927 In Hindi Pdf Indian Forest Act 1927 Hindi(Pdf). the indian forest act 1927 act xvi of 1927 Download the indian forest act 1927 act xvi of 1927 or read online here in PDF or EPUB. Please click button to get the. Short title and extent (1) This Act may be called the Indian Forest Act, 1927. (1)(2) It extends to the whole of India except the territories which,